Saturday, April 25, 2009

My Background

I was found wandering the streets of Lusk, Wyoming in March of 1999. I had a severe head wound, and I did not know where I was, who I was, or what had happened to me. They picked me up on East 3rd Street. A stranger in a small town. An injured stranger in a small town. An injured stranger in a small town who had no clue as to who he was.

They took me to Cheyenne. To a hospital there where I could stay until my identity was figured out.

They estimated that I was about somewhere between twenty and twenty-five years old. My fingerprints and DNA have never matched anything in any known database. Such a thing isn't too uncommon. What is uncommon is that my amnesia hasn't faded, and no one in all this time has stepped forward with my identity. Notices on me were sent to hospitals (both medical and psychiatric) and police stations and... just about everywhere. Nothing. It was like I'd just sprang into being one day in the middle of Nowhere, Wyoming.

In 2004, I expressed interest to leave the "housing" provided for me in Cheyenne. A small apartment was provided for me in Huron, California. My doctor had once lived there, and I thought it was about as far away as I could get from Wyoming.

An obsession with my origin took over, and I soon plunged into researching the circumstances of my appearance online. It provided a sort of escape for me, the hope that I could some day find my old life.

In early 2007, I found a video that, strangely enough, happened to be related to Lusk, Wyoming.

And the face in it was hauntingly familiar. Something grabbed at me, and I could barely speak or breathe as I watched the video. That first video is the only one Bambos hasn't poisoned with his "clever editing". What better one to draw people in?

I followed the happenings of the Wyoming Incident. I was sucked into it. I stayed with it, through parts good and bad. Every video made it worth it for me. Every one of the early stories touched at my very core.

And then videos stopped coming, and the stories became trite expositions for stupid characters in a conceited mythology. Still, I stayed. Maybe there would be more?

My obsession was only hindered by the overbearing presence of the doctor who saw fit to keep an eye on me. He had been an acquaintance of my doctor in Cheyenne, and he lived in a neighboring county. I guess he had an interest in amnesiacs or something... he certainly went out of his way to "visit" me.

For years I tolerated his annoying presence. For months I tolerated the inane happenings of the Happy Cube. I'm not sure which was worse.

In the end, I decided to abandon both.

But I had to keep playing the game. I'd just be playing it somewhere else.

I've been doing my own independent research, and boy, is it paying off.

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